La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Gifts corner

Gourmet baskets

A selection of original and delicious gourmets baskets


La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Gourmet baskets
La Biscuiterie Lolmede - picto sous famille

Local gourmet baskets

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Local gourmet baskets - LE PANIER MACARONS CHOCOLATSZoomer l'image

The Macaroons and Chocolate Basket

350gr of Macaroons in a Box and 250 gr of Chocolates

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Local gourmet baskets - LE GRAND PANIER MACARONS CHOCOLATSZoomer l'image

The Big Macaroons and Chocolates Basket

500gr of macaroons in a box and 500 gr of chocolates


La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Local gourmet baskets - LA CORBEILLE LOLMEDEZoomer l'image

summer basket

500gr of macaroons, 150gr of candies and 150gr of chocolates in a basket

La Biscuiterie Lolmede - picto sous famille

Sweetmeat present

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Sweetmeat present - LE COFFRET RÉCONFORTZoomer l'image

The comfort box

Chocolate, peanuts butter, soup, tea and salt biscuits

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Sweetmeat present - LE COFFRET COFFEE TIMEZoomer l'image

the Coffee Time box

Coffee, chocolate, calissons and a beautiful mug

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Sweetmeat present - LE COFFRET SALÉ SUCRÉZoomer l'image

Salt and sugar box

Vinegar from Bouteville, macaroons, chocolates, toast and grillon

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Sweetmeat present - LE COFFRET TEA TIMEZoomer l'image

the Tea Time box

Tea, macaroons (200gr) and cup

La Biscuiterie Lolmede : Sweetmeat present - LE COFFRET SAVEURSZoomer l'image

the flavor box

Soja vinegar, macaroons (350gr), tea, soup, toast, peanuts butter


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La Biscuiterie Lolmede
3 rue des Arceaux 16000 ANGOULEME - Tel : 05 45 95 05 09
SIRET : 483 453 031 000 21 - N° TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 704 834 530 31